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Meet Our Team

Conference Team

Jaye Martin

While she may have grown up in the hills of Tennessee, Jaye has a vision to reach the world for Christ. She left her career designing office space for a calling to help others see the way God designed their hearts to reach out in the marketplace for the Lord. Our president has served by doing evangelism on church staff, leading a national ministry to reach women, and directing women's leadership and teaching at one of the largest seminaries in the world. If she is not coming up with a new ministry idea, then beware - she may have a can of spray paint in hand. Not only does she like to see people repurposed, but also she likes to rescue things and reuse them. If you are anywhere close, then she may involve you in the process. She speaks all over the place, but chances are you will find her at home with her husband, Dana, in Houston where they have lived for over thirty years. Their daughter, Kelli, serves with JMM.


Kelli Martin

Kelli is the chief creative officer for JMM. As a Texas A&M University and a Southern Seminary grad, she has studied human resources development, business and Christian education. She also works at Houston's First Baptist Church as an assistant for Next Gen. Kelli likes being outside, writing and seeing people grow, especially in their faith in Christ. One of her favorite things to do is run while listening to an eclectic collection of music. She enjoys spending time with friends and family, as well as seeing art and learning about new developments in her city, Houston.

Tracy Jones

Tracy is our encouraging cheerleader with a passion that inspires others. She loves to see God's Word and people come together. At work, she and her husband co-own and manage a telecommunications business in Longview, Texas that provides avenues where she can participate in marketplace outreach with customers. In ministry, she is a speaker, writer, praying friend and enjoys teaching younger women. You might find her outside doing sports, gardening or playing with her adorable Labrador retrievers. She is married to Marshall, and they have three kids, a son-in-love, a daughter-in-love, an almost-daughter-in-love and a precious new grand baby girl! Tracy has served with Jaye for over 15 years.

Sharon Beougher

Sharon was born to teach. Depending on the day and time, you will find her teaching the Bible in Louisville, Kentucky, teaching piano to students or women at her church, teaching at the Seminary Wives' Institute or teaching at conferences. Her five grown kids, four grandkids and her husband, Tim, get the rest of her time. Sharon walks, swims and loves chocolate. We think she is the most productive person we know. We are blessed that she saves a few hours to edit and teach for JMM.

Fred Campbell

If you think you are a visionary, then you need to meet Fred. After Jaye told him her vision to reach the world, his response was to "think bigger!" Fred brings a whole new level of action and execution to every team on which he serves. God blessed him as a former CEO, but now Fred serves passionately to grow the Lord's Kingdom. He leads the high-performance team of his wonderful wife, Melissa, and their four children. He is active in joining hands with his church to serve in the Austin, Texas community. Fred trains and consults leaders in providing the plan needed to reach people for Christ. We are honored to partner with Fred and Melissa in ministry.




Without a host of support, we could not and would not be able to operate. Our heartfelt thanks goes to:

  • Our Board of Directors who listen and advise
  • Julie Scheving who leads our faithful prayer team
  • Our spouses, Dana, Marshall, Tim and Melissa, who stand beside us in ministry
  • Our volunteers who serve by doing all sorts of essential things
  • Our workers who lend support to the web, media, accounting and a host of other details
  • Our partners who buy resources and host trainings
  • Our donors who make it all possible!